About us

The KAEMaRT - Knowledge Aided Engineering & Manufacturing and Related Technologies - Group is based at the Department of Mechanical Engineering – Politecnico di Milano. 
The group members have interdisciplinary backgrounds, including Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Design and Cognitive psychology.
In the years, the group has gained scientific and technological competences -even through the participation to several research projects- in the areas of geometric and physically-based modelling, virtual reality and virtual prototyping, haptic interfaces, multi-modal user interfaces, CAD/PDM/PLM systems, human-computer interaction, reverse modelling and engineering, non-rigid objects modelling and simulation, robotics and simulation of industrial processes, engineering knowledge management. 
Since its establishment, the KAEMaRT group has hosted more than 300 fellows, who have been trained via their active participation to research activities.
The mission of the group has always been to investigate new solutions for industrial applications and to develop innovative methods, tools and prototypes in collaboration with industrial partners, mainly in the framework of national and European programmes, and direct research contracts from companies. 

The group is involved in courses at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, at the Faculty of Industrial Design, and at the Faculty of Management and Production Engineering.

In the recent years, the group has set up three research and didactic laboratories that have been equipped with state-of-the-art Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies and tools.

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