Movie of Church of San Giovanni in Conca - Historical Phase present time
DESCRIPTION: In the centre of Milan (today Piazza Missori) are conserved part of the apse and the crypt of the basilica of San Giovanni in Conca, one of the most important early Christian church buildings in Milan. The church was built between V and VI century on the ruins of an imperial domus, in a depression in the ground from which derives the name "in Conca" (basin). In XI century different decorative and constructive Romanesque alterations were introduced in the church and the addition of the crypt. In the XIV century the ecclesiastic complex was enlarged and adorned with sculptures and frescoes thanks to Bernabò Visconti's patronage. In XVI some architectural modification were produced for the official visit of Carlo Borromeo. Beside the church there was a high 24 meters massive bell tower. In the next two centuries different modifications and enlargements were brought for the achievement of lateral chapels and architectural restoration. The church was deconsecrated in the late eighteenth century and subsequently stripped and mutilated. Later, after World War II, the needs of city traffic determine its almost complete demolition for the opening of street Albricci. In the last decades the remains had a complete restoration, the vault is now an exhibition space open to visitors. The basilica was object of the 'Milano Antica' project, carried out by Regione Lombardia. The integration of 3D technologies (3D Time of Flight and a triangulation laser scanner), historical stratigrafy based on the architectural traces "readable" on the façades and a deep historical analysis allowed to outline the geometrical models of different historical phases of the building.

The Heritage Asset is related to the first phase of the church, dated to present time.

Delivering models for different users: a) High resolution models for researchers; b) Low resolution for general public.

DATE: From V-VI century AD to present time

DIMENSIONS: 18.13 X 19.16 X 13.61 meter


RIGHTS: The property rights is: Physical Object: Comune di Milano; Digital Object: Politecnico di Milano; Metadata: Comune di Milano (The Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0)); 3D Icons

720 x 576 pixel

24 fps

212.307 polygons

3D laser scanner

Leica HDS3000
Vivid Minolta 910

CREDITS |COPYRIGHT © 2014 POLITECNICO DI MILANO All rights reserved |Hosted by KAEMaRT